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While Seneye may be based in the United Kingdom, you can find our water monitoring systems around the globe, where they’re used by some of the most famous names in aquatic science and industry.

No matter where you are, our patented optical sensors can keep a careful eye on your water and connect to an internet cloud system to deliver the data directly via an easy-to-use dashboard.

We will examine how Seneye sensors can be your perfect water monitoring partner and tell you about one of our most famous users, Ifremer, the French National Institute for Ocean Science.

World Leading Water Monitoring, No Matter the Location.

Seneye monitoring sensors have found their way into almost any application where water is used, be it public aquariums, aquaculture facilities, the seafood processing industry, or wastewater and combined sewerage outlets (CSOs).

The patented Seneye system can accurately measure vital parameters, including pH, temperature, ammonia, dissolved oxygen and turbidity, in an incredibly low maintenance and energy-efficient package.

However, that’s only half the picture, as what use is the probe if you need to access the data hundreds of miles away or even from another country?

Fortunately, Seneye has solved this and removed the need to record information on-site by utilising the internet to deliver information wherever you are in the world.

The Seneye Dashboard - Information in Seven Languages

Seneye sensors connect to our cloud dashboard system, online and mobile, to deliver your life-critical data in an easy-to-understand graphical format.

The dashboard provides the latest readings, history, forecasts, trends and warnings. It can even send you emails and messages when set parameters are reached.

As a global company, the dashboard supports English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. Naturally, we’d be happy to talk if you have other requirements for an OEM project.

Seneye IOT sensor dashboard displaying parameters anywhere in the world

International Case Study: Ifremer - The French National Institute for Ocean Science

The Ifremer Institute is the world-famous French oceanographic organisation and a true pioneer in ocean science. 

The organisation, established in June 1984, conducts research, provides expert assessments, and promotes technological and industrial developments to use ocean resources sustainably, enhance the value of the marine and coastal environment, and foster the socio-economic development of the maritime sector.

As Ifremer works to protect and restore the ocean, many of its projects need to obtain and share water quality data accurately and efficiently.

Whether in wet lab aquariums, in the field, or even onboard a research vessel, Seneye devices dramatically improve the frequency, accuracy, and sensitivity of water testing and give even remote researchers ready access to valuable data.

Ifremer uses Seneye devices to assist in monitoring, using and enhancing coastal seas, and we’re delighted that our system can play a small part in their important work.

In Conclusion

Seneyes patented optical sensors, with their low power consumption and maintenance requirements, coupled, across the internet, with our remote dashboard software (available in seven languages), mean that our systems can keep a close eye on your water no matter where you are.

By leveraging our deep understanding of aquatic environments and our abilities in advanced technologies and manufacturing, Seneye is proud to partner with the world’s leading organisations and help protect our vital marine environments.